Jovian Magnetic Field and Magnetosphere Post-doc Researchers

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory (GSFC); Dept. of Astronomy (UMD)
City: Greenbelt
State/Province: MD
Country: USA
Contact Person: Tracy Huard
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland
Application Due Date: Friday, September 26 2014
Web Link:

Applications are now being accepted for a Postdoctoral Research Associate, funded through the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) and the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology (CRESST), to work in the Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in the area of Jupiter’s magnetic field and magnetosphere, using data from the Juno (New Frontier) mission.

The Juno spacecraft arrives at Jupiter in July 2016. Juno is the first spacecraft to explore Jupiter from a close-in, polar orbit, seeking to unlock secrets about its origin and the origin of the solar system. Juno will probe deep into Jupiter’s interior by mapping the giant planet’s magnetic and gravity fields, peering well below the clouds to determine atmospheric composition, with particular interest in water abundance. Juno will also conduct a study of the polar magnetosphere and auroral phenomena, with fields and particles instruments and both infrared and ultraviolet spectrometers among the payload. Juno’s Magnetic Field Investigation (MAG) employs two identical measurement platforms occupying a 4-meter magnetometer boom mounted at the outer end of one of Juno’s three solar arrays. Each MAG optical bench supports a high-accuracy vector fluxgate magnetometer and a pair of star camera sensors for precision inertial attitude reference. These data and the global coverage of Jupiter provided by the mission plan will result in a detailed model of the Jovian internal field and an unprecedented view of the dynamo.

The selectee will work on site at GSFC in the Solar System Exploration Division as a member of the Juno Magnetometer Investigation Team, participating in data analysis and scientific studies, leading to publication of results in scientific journals. Candidates for this position should have a Ph.D. in a relevant scientific discipline with prior experience conducting scientific research.  Experience with magnetometer instrumentation and data, disciplined programming skills (primarily Fortran and IDL), and scientific writing experience are desired.  

The appointment will be initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal in subsequent years.  Applicants may be new postdocs or may be more senior.  Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Each applicant should send a Curriculum Vita, list of publications, statement of research interests, and contact information for three references to:

Juno Magnetometer
Mail Code 660.8, NASA/GSFC
Greenbelt, MD  20771, or
Via e-mail to [email protected]

Information regarding the Juno mission is found at and .  Information on the Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory is found at .  For information on CRESST and the UMCP’s Department of Astronomy, please contact Tracy Huard ([email protected]).  The position will remain open until filled.

The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity employer.  All applications received by September 26, 2014 will receive full consideration.

Masters Students in exoplanet materials

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Physics, Astronomy, & Materials Science
City: Springfield
State/Province: Missouri
Country: USA
Contact Person: David Cornelison
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Missouri State University
Application Due Date: Thursday, December 31 2015
Web Link:

The Department of Physics, Astronomy, & Materials Science at Missouri State University invites applications for Masters level graduate students to  assist in observational and laboratory studies of exoplanet materials.  The graduate program is in the field of Materials Science, or Natural and Applied Science with a thesis in the area
of exoplanet materials.  Our research group has paid research assistantships available. In our laboratory, we are recreating constituents of hot, rocky, exoplanets and measuring the optical properties. Graduate students could begin during Fall Semester 2014 or Spring Semester 2015. Information concerning course work is available at or
        Missouri State University is not a Ph.D. granting institution. Information about our Graduate College and programs is available at
Funding for these positions is through December 2015

Two tenure-track positions in Amsterdam for exoplanetary research

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Contact Person: Carsten Dominik and Avri Selig
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Amsterdam and SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
Application Due Date: Thursday, May 15 2014

Two Tenure-track positions for exoplanetary research and instrumentation at the Anton Pannekoek
Institute for Astronomy of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and at SRON Netherlands Institute for
Space Research. The Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam
has a long tradition of excellence in astronomical research, including a strong program on star and planet
formation. It is part of the Dutch Top Research School NOVA. At SRON Netherlands Institute for Space
Research specialists from various disciplines work together to push back the frontiers of technology and with
this to advance the boundaries of scientific knowledge. SRON is considered to be a global leader in the area of
earth and space science, due to the space instruments it develops for the satellites of ESA, NASA and JAXA.

The UvA and SRON are seeking to fill two tenure-track positions in the field of exoplanetary research, in
order to start a close collaboration in this area. In the context of a large reshaping of the research
landscape in Amsterdam, the University of Amsterdam and the Free University are intensifying their
collaboration in Natural Sciences, creating one of the largest concentrations in Europe. Research into

exoplanets and the connections with System Earth will be a strong focus of research on the Science Park
campus. In addition, SRON/Utrecht is planning to relocate from its current location in Utrecht to a new
building in the Science Park in Amsterdam. In order to build a new area of joint research between SRON
and the astronomy department of the universities in Amsterdam and other universities, we are looking for

1. An observational astronomer with strong abilities to work with existing ESO and other
internationally competitive instrumentation on the detection and in particular characterization
of exoplanets. The candidate will have an exceptionally strong research program in this area and should
be able to connect both to the research on protoplanetary disks and planet formation at the University of
Amsterdam and to instrumentation efforts at SRON.

2. A planetary atmosphere modelling expert with strong abilities for the analysis and modelling
of exoplanet observations. The candidate is expected to build up strong ties with international
instrumentation teams in the field of the conception and scientific optimization of new ground based and
in particular space based instrumentation.

Both candidates are required to have a PhD in (astro)physics and should have proven capabilities to build
up a research group of internationally outstanding level. Scientists at both institutions have access to
national funding lines, e.g. the “Vernieuwings Impuls” at the Dutch research organization NWO, as well as 

European funding lines like ERC grants and FP7 programs and networks.

The selected candidates will be offered a tenure track appointment at UvA or SRON. The salary will be at
assistant/associate professor equivalent levels based primarily on previous experience.
Letters of application (including resume, research and teaching statements, publication list highlighting
five characteristic ones) and (separately) three letters of reference should be sent to
[email protected] before 15 May 2014. Applications will continue to be considered until the
position is filled.
Comprehensive benefits include paid vacation, sick leave, 13th month, disability insurance, maternity and
parental leave, affordable health insurance, and retirement benefits.
For further enquiries contact: Prof.Dr. Carsten Dominik ([email protected]) and Dr. Avri Selig
([email protected]).


Mars Magnetic Fields and Upper Atmosphere Postdoctoral Researchers

Posted on
Current state: Review
Department: Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory (GSFC); Dept. of Astronomy (UMD)
City: Greenbelt
State/Province: MD
Country: USA
Contact Person: Tracy Huard
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: NASA-GSFC/CRESST/University of Maryland
Application Due Date: Friday, May 23 2014
Web Link:

Applications are now being accepted for two Postdoctoral Research Associates, funded through the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) and the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology (CRESST), to work in the Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in the area of Mars magnetic fields and upper atmosphere investigations using data from the MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) mission.

The MAVEN spacecraft arrives at Mars in September 2014.  MAVEN will study the upper atmosphere and ionosphere, atmospheric interaction with the Sun and solar wind, and the loss of atmosphere to space. Both candidates will work on site at GSFC with scientists in the Solar System Exploration Division. One candidate will work directly with the Magnetometer Investigation, participating in data analysis and scientific studies, leading to publication of results in scientific journals. Prior experience with magnetometer data, disciplined programming skills (primarily Fortran and IDL), and scientific writing experience are desired.  Another candidate will work closely with the MAVEN Project Scientist on analysis of the interaction between the Mars upper atmosphere/ionosphere and solar inputs, taking full advantage of data returned by the MAVEN spacecraft’s science payload.

The MAVEN primary mission will last one Earth year from the start of the science mapping phase in November, with an expectation that there may be an extended mission.  The appointment will be initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal in subsequent years.  Applicants may be at first year post-doc level or may be more senior.

Candidates for either position should have a Ph.D. in a relevant discipline with prior experience conducting scientific research related to the Maven science objectives or the types of instruments included in the MAVEN science payload.  IDL skills and experience in acquisition and analysis of data from space flight instruments are highly desirable.

Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Each applicant should send a Curriculum Vita, list of publications, statement of research interests, and contact information for three references to:

Mail Code 660.8, NASA/GSFC
Greenbelt, MD  20771, or
Via e-mail to [email protected]

Information regarding the MAVEN mission is found at and .  Information on the Planetary Magnetospheres Laboratory is found at .  For information on CRESST and the University of Maryland’s Department of Astronomy, please contact Tracy Huard ([email protected]).  The position is available immediately.

The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity employer.  All applications received by May 23, 2014 will receive full consideration.

Research Associate in Planetary Physics

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Physics
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Contact Person: Marina Galand
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Imperial College London
Application Due Date: Wednesday, November 13 2013
Web Link:

We are seeking a highly motivated researcher for a position available for up to two years. This position
will be based within the Space and Atmospheric Physics Research Group.

The work involves modelling, data analysis, and interpretation in planetary and cometary atmospheric
physics to complement and advance areas of interest within the Group. The postholder will in
particular be asked to develop a comprehensive, chemical model applied to a cometary, dusty coma.
Other possible topics of research include assessing plasma production, transport, and loss at Saturn’s
moon, Titan. The work will exploit the Group’s involvement in major international planetary satellite
missions, notably the Rosetta and Cassini missions. The project will involve a high degree of
teamwork and interdisciplinary research.

Postdoc on the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: LASP
City: Boulder
State/Province: CO
Country: USA
Contact Person: Nick Schneider
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: U. Colorado
Application Due Date: Tuesday, December 31 2013
Web Link:

 The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate position working with the Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph (IUVS) team. IUVS is an instrument on board the MAVEN mission (Mars Volatile and Atmosphere EvolutioN), slated for launch in November 2013. Minimum qualification is Ph.D. in Planetary Science or related field. Responsibilities and duties include: 
(1) Numerical modeling of the Mars atmosphere, including atmospheric structure, photochemistry, escape and emission spectroscopy; (2) Preparation of automated data processing pipelines and observation plans; (3) Operations support during cruise and on-orbit operations; (4) Analysis of data obtained and publication of scientific results. Please view the online application process at For more information, please contact Nick Schneider, [email protected].

Postdoctoral researcher in Planetary Sciences

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: Applied Physics I
City: Bilbao
Country: Spain
Contact Person: Agustin Sánchez Lavega
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Application Due Date: Monday, July 15 2013
Web Link:

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), working with Prof A. Sánchez Lavega on Planetary Atmospheres. The successful candidate will join the Planetary Science Group at the Applied Physics Department in the Faculty of Engineering of the UPV/EHU, located in central Bilbao. The Planetary Science Group ( is a consolidated research group of the highest rank within the Basque Government Research System, and it is presently involved in several international space missions and proposals. Candidates with proven expertise in one of the following areas will be considered: – Dynamical modeling of planetary atmospheres (numerical methods) – Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres (optical and infrared). Successful candidates must have a PhD in astrophysics, geophysics (planets) or a related discipline. They must be able to work independently, have a high degree of computer literacy and a proven ability to reduce scientific data. Proficiency in high level programming is essential and experience with parallelization desirable. The post is funded by the Directorate for Science Policy of the Basque Government. The initial appointment is for one year, but it is renewable until December 2015. Gross salary is of approximately 32000 € per year. The position will be open until we find a suitable candidate. Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be addressed to Dr. T. del Río Gaztelurrutia ([email protected]) and Prof. A. Sánchez Lavega ([email protected]) including a curriculum vitae and a statement of research experience and interests. Applicants should arrange for two academic references to be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].

Marie Curie fellowship applications invitation in atmospheric science

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: Klimacampus
City: Hamburg
Category: ,
Country: Germany
Contact Person: Nicolas Iro
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Hamburg
Application Due Date: Monday, July 15 2013

 The group of theoretical meteorology of the University of Hamburg, Germany ( ) is welcoming applications in the FP7 Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship schemes: Intra European Fellowship – IEF for researchers with mobility in Europe and International Incoming Fellowsip – IIF for researchers from outside Europe coming in our Institution. Both are for a period of 12-24 months.

Our group is expanding a new research line in planetology. We are developing models of circulation of planetary atmosphere with various applications from Mars to exoplanets (giant and Earth-like). We welcome applicants with a background in geoscience as well as in Astrophysics/Planetary science.

Moreover, building on our expertise in geophysical sciences, other example of topics are:
– Extreme Events at different spatial and temporal scales: the impact of meteo-climatic extremes can be greatly determined by their spatial extension and/or their persistence. The aim of this project is to conduct a fundamental study on the behaviour of extremes in climate models under different coarse graining – resulting from different choices of model’s resolution and of model’s outputs averaging methods. The results will be of interest for both theory and applications, as it will lead to a better interpretation and use of models’s outputs for a variety of downscaling problems.
– Thermodynamics of the Asian Monsoonal Circulation: Several studies have made clear that the current generation of climate models is still not able to represent to a satisfactory degree of precision the circulation patterns characterizing the South and South East Asian monsoon. One of the main reasons for such inefficiency seems to be the inability to represent accurately the complex and steep orography of the Hindu-Kush-Himalaya and of the Tibetan plateau. What we propose is to perform a thermodynamical analysis of the extended region housing the monsoonal circulation, by generalizing to limited regions, featuring material fluxes at the boundaries, the thermodynamic formalism developed for describing the efficiency and the irreversibility of the whole climate system. The goal is to link the properties of the monsoonal circulation to the correlations between energy fluxes and temperature for present and projected climate conditions. This problem will be studied using climate models of various resolutions (and under different atmospheric compositions). Moreover, climate models’ data from the IPCC/CMIP5 dataset will be analyzed for investigating the dynamical reasons of the observed biases.

Some eligibility criteria (including mobility) are set by the FP7 People Program.
A Doctoral degree in physics, applied mathematics, astronomy, or Earth sciences, and research experience in the field of planetary atmospheres are required.
Please contact Nicolas Iro ([email protected]) for further detail.

Notice of interest must be received no later than July 15th 2013 for allowing time to build the application.

Postdoctoral position on Venus science at Paris Observatory

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: LESIA - Laboratoire d'Etudes Spatiales et d'Instrumentation en Astrophysiue
City: Meudon
Country: France
Contact Person: Dr Thomas Widemann
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Observatoire de Paris / Paris Observatory
Application Due Date: Wednesday, July 24 2013

The position is available on Oct. 1, 2013 for a duration of two years, to work on millimeter-observations of Venus’ atmosphere obtained with the ALMA interferometer.

The successful candidate will lead high profile research based on exploitation of ESO/Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of Venus’ upper atmosphere chemistry and dynamics. His/her main work will be in the analysis, modeling and interpretation of the upper atmosphere structure, variability of trace species (CO, HDO, SO, SO2), wind measurements and their spatial and temporal variability at different vertical levels. The work will be carried out in Laboratoire d’Etudes Spatiales et d’Instrumentation en Astrophysique (LESIA), a department of Paris Observatory in Meudon in collaboration with Drs T. Encrenaz, R. Moreno, E. Lellouch.

Candidates should have a PhD in atmospheric science, with strong background in radiative transfer modeling of planetary atmosphere in the millimeter/submillimeter range. Experience in data-reduction with radio-interferometer is highly desirable. Also essential are experience with scientific computing environments, and a reasonable number of high quality publications commensurate with stage of career.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae, publication list and statement of research interests in electronic form (pdf) to [email protected]. Letters of reference can be sent separately or jointly with the application.

The position is funded by European Union in the framework of FP7-SPACE EuroVenus consortium. Women and young parents are strongly encouraged to apply.

Review of applications will begin July 24, 2013, and the position will remain open until filled. The net income is Eur. 2,370 per month. Eur. 2,500 per year is provided for professional travel.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Dr. Thomas Widemann ([email protected]).

Permanent Job Research Scientist at NASA Goddard

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: Solar System Exploration Division
City: Greenbelt
State/Province: Maryland
Category: ,
Country: USA
Contact Person: Keith Noll
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: NASA Goddard
Application Due Date: Friday, June 28 2013
Web Link:

NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland. Permanent position. The Science and Exploration Directorate, Solar System Exploration Division (SSED), Planetary Systems Laboratory, is seeking a research scientist to provide expertise in spectroscopic study of small solar system bodies and planetary atmospheres. Studies include: 1) High resolution infrared spectroscopic characterization of comets, asteroids, and planetary atmospheres. 2) Development of LTE/non-LTE radiative transfer models capable of interpreting high resolution infrared spectra of small bodies, planets and exoplanets 3) Development of quantum-mechanical models of polyatomic molecules of astrobiological interest. 4) utilization of 3-D general circulation models of planetary atmospheres to understand transport of trace species detectable with high resolution infrared spectroscopy. Candidates must have research experience in planetary atmospheric science and surface composition; infrared spectroscopic observation, analysis, and data reduction; and radiative transfer and atmospheric modeling. U.S. citizenship required. To view the full vacancy announcement go to: Applications must be received by June 28, 2013. For information about the research program and the Planetary Systems Lab, contact Keith Noll, Chief, Lab Chief, at 301-614-5968, or by e-mail at [email protected]. NASA, GSFC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.