DPS Meetings Exploration Team

DPS Meetings Exploration Team (2022)

In May 2022, the DPS Committee convened a DPS Meetings Exploration Team (DPS-MXT/”DPS mixt”) to identify options for future DPS fall meetings and options for such meetings’ structure, so as to best serve the full DPS community. In particular, this team considered in-person focused, fully-virtual, and hybrid meeting structures (i.e., a meeting with both in-person and remote participants), and identified risks/costs/resources/benefits associated with such structures. This team then recommended next steps to the DPS Committee for effective development of future DPS meetings, including—but not limited to—those with hybrid structure. Output from this team was delivered to the DPS Committee and DPS community via a few interim reports and then a final written report at the start of 2023.

The final report contains 11 recommendations for all future DPS meetings, 2 recommendations on actions DPS can take in the near-term to gather needed information, 6 recommendations for steps DPS can take to better position themselves to optimize meetings in the future, and 9 recommendations that are focused on specific meeting logistics (and thus may be most useful for SOC/LOC/VOCs).

To gather community input, DPS-MXT had sent out two surveys to the DPS community and invited some community members to participate in DPS-MXT telecon discussions (July-Sept 2022); this is summarized in the final report appendices. We also learned from recent DPS meeting experiences, including with the hybrid 2022 DPS meeting.

January 2023: The Final DPS-MXT Report can be found here

May 2022: DPS-MXT Charter and Membership