The importance of science to the advancement of humanity is clear to our DPS membership, yet its ability to inform governmental policy appears to be imperiled. The AAS will support our members who plan to participate in the March for Science on April 22, as described in this detailed post by AAS Executive Officer Kevin Marvel.
Core principles of the march as presently defined are: science that serves the common good; cutting-edge science education; open and honest science communication and inclusive public outreach; evidence-based policy and regulations in the public interest; and funding for scientific research and its applications. Related goals for the march are to: humanize science; partner with the public; advocate for open, inclusive, and accessible science; support scientists; and affirm science as a democratic value.
The AAS office at 1667 K Street NW (very near the White House) will open its doors on the morning of the march and serve refreshments. Our leadership participates in weekly information-sharing phone calls (but, as for AGU and other science organizations, does not control the messaging). We will provide logistical support and report any late breaking developments. Additional assistance provided by the AAS includes web tools for a roommate and housing search and/or carpool search. For more information or questions feel free to contact the DPS FRS Chair or the AAS policy experts listed on Marvel’s website post. If you are actively involved in the organization of a local march please let us know.
Lucy McFadden and Kurt Retherford
DPS Chair and FRS Chair