Message from the Outgoing and Incoming Chairs: Looking Forward to the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting

The EPSC-DPS Joint meeting is less than a week away and we look forward to engaging with the planetary community at this important gathering! We outline here a number of options that are available, in case any problems arise while at the meeting.  

If you observe or experience behavior that is in breach of the Code of conduct, and wish to file a report, please use the EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019 online form
( You can fill this in anonymously, but we will be unable to follow up with you about your report without a working email address.

If there are any issues, observations or suggestions that you would like to talk to meeting leadership about while you are in Geneva, please visit the Europlanet Society stand. A member of the EPSC-DPS Joint Organizing Committee or Meeting Response Group will be happy to come and meet with you and hear your thoughts.

If you require on-site medical attention, there is an infirmary on Level -1 of the CICG that is open from 09:00-18:00 Monday–Friday.

If you require emergency assistance while attending EPSC-DPS 2019 in Geneva, the emergency telephone numbers are as follows:

·       Police: 117

·       Fire: 118

·       Life-threatening emergencies (to call for an ambulance): 144

We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.  Please feel free to talk with us during the meeting about any of your concerns. We are here to support our membership!

See you in Geneva!

Best regards,

Linda Spilker (Outgoing Chair) and Amanda Hendrix (Incoming Chair)


9 Sep 2019