A two-year postdoc position starting in September 2014 is available
within the Space Physics/Planetary Group of the Institute of
Geophysics and Meteorology at the University of Cologne, Germany. The
position is renewable up to a total length of 6 years subject to the
continuation of funding.
We look for candidates with interest in turbulence in space plasmas
or the interaction of planetary bodies (including extra-solar planets)
with their surrounding plasma environments. Theoretical, numerical
and/or observational approaches are equally well appreciated.
Interest to participate in the English-spoken teaching activities in
space plasma physics and planetary sciences of the Institute is
welcome. The position includes the possibility to pursue a
Candidates should submit a CV and a cover letter describing their
research experience and interests, and names and contact information
for two references. The position is open until filled, however we will
begin reviewing applications on April, 7 2014. We encourage women and
persons with disabilities to apply.
Applications should be submitted electronically to Joachim Saur,
Professor, Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of
Cologne, Germany, [email protected]