Post Doctoral Scientist- NEO Follow Up – LCOGT

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
City: Goleta
State/Province: CA
Country: USA
Contact Person: Maida Smith
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Las Cumbres Observatory/UCSB
Application Due Date: Monday, December 01 2014
Web Link:

The Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc. (LCOGT) and University of California, Santa Barbara seek a postdoctoral scientist to work on the follow up of Near Earth Objects (NEOs) and the creation of citizen science program.  The ideal candidate should have demonstrated expertise in observations of Solar System objects and experience with software development, although candidate from other astrophysical fields with strong software background are also encouraged.


This position is funded by a grant from NASA to:

1) develop and exploit the LCOGT global network of robotic telescopes for NEO follow-up;

2) lead photometric and spectroscopic characterization of NEOs; and

3) assist in the creation of a web-based citizen science environment for Solar System investigations by the general public.

The successful candidate will also contribute to the overall mission of the observatory – the creation of a worldwide network of robotic telescopes specializing in time domain astronomy.


LCOGT currently operates ten 1 meter and two 2 meter robotic telescopes, which will be used in this program.  The 2 meter Faulkes Telescopes in Haleakala, Hawaii, and Siding Spring, Australia feature imagers and robotic FLOYDS low-resolution spectrographs.  The 1 meter telescopes have imagers and are located at McDonald Observatory in Texas, CTIO in Chile, Siding Spring in Australia, and SAAO in South Africa.


Applicants should submit a CV, cover letter, and research statement, and should arrange to have three letters of reference sent to [email protected].  Electronic PDF submissions are preferred. Applications complete by December 1, 2014 will receive full consideration. A Ph.D. in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline is required.  The term of this position is 3 years.  The Department of Physics and LCOGT are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research. LCOGT and UCSB are equal opportunity employers.


This position has the option to be held as an employee of UCSB and thus receive the UCSB benefit package for Postdoctoral Scholars or held as a direct employee of LCOGT with similar benefits, but still affiliated to UCSB. For further information on UCSB benefits, go to and reference Title Code 3252.


The desired start date is 1 January, 2015.