European Research Council funded post-doctoral position in isotope geochemistry to investigate potassium isotope fractionation during Solar system formation
Hosted at the Bavarian Geoinstitute for Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany)
Applications are being received until the position is filled
Position. The BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany, is seeking a candidate for a post-doctoral position to investigate potassium isotope fractionation during Solar system formation. The candidate will develop potassium isotope analysis by double-spiked thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) in tandem with development of measurement by collision cell MC-ICPMS and apply these methods to the analysis of various meteorites, terrestrial rocks and experimental samples.
The position is part of a project that seeks to quantify the role of vapour loss during planet formation and is funded by European Research Council Starting Grant Vaploss. As such, the candidate will become part of a team of two post-doctoral researchers who will work jointly with the PI (Dr. Remco Hin) on the project.
The position is funded for 3 years. The salary will be based on grade E13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector.
Working environment. The BGI has a long history of research into Earth and planetary sciences, including chemical and physical aspects of planetary accretion. This environment provides the candidate with ample opportunity for collaborations, which will be encouraged.
In addition to its existing experimental, analytical and computational facilities, the BGI will open new cleanrooms for trace metal isotope geochemistry (planned in December 2021) and a mass spectrometry facility equipped with state-of-the-art (laser-ablation) MC-ICPMS instrumentation.
The project further consists of collaborations with the Bristol Isotope Group (Prof. Tim Elliott) at the University of Bristol, where part of the analyses will take place, and with Prof. Audrey Bouvier (BGI) regarding meteoritical analyses.
Application requirements. The candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field. Preference will be given to candidates who have previous experience with mass spectrometry, ideally with experience in developing new protocols, especially as applied to solid Earth or other planetary studies. Good communication skills in English are desirable, as is the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team.
The application should consist of a single pdf file containing a CV (max. 2 pages), list of publications, contact details for two suitable referees, and a cover letter (max. 2 pages) detailing your research experience and your motivation to apply for this position. The application file should be sent to Dr. Remco Hin ([email protected]), who can also be contacted by potential applicants for further inquiries about the position.