We have an opening for a Ph.D. student interested in experimentally investigating the interaction of volcanic gas and martian surface materials and assessing the IR spectral signature of the products beginning Fall 2020. The student will work with Dr. Hanna Nekvasil on experiments simulating boiling of magma and investigate the nature of vapor-deposited salts added to martian dust as well as the alteration of basalt by martian volcanic gas. The student will also work with Dr. A. Deanne Rogers on assessing the IR spectral signature of the martian fines altered by volcanic gas and how this signature is modified by reaction during changes in relative humidity. Interested students should contact [email protected]. Stony Brook University has a dynamic planetary science group and a long history of excellence in experimental igneous petrology. Please pass this message on to any student you think may be interested.
Ph.D. Student Opportunity
Current state: Approved
City: Stony Brook
State/Province: New York
Country: USA
Contact Person: Hanna Nekvasil
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Stony Brook University
Application Due Date: Wednesday, January 15 2020