JPL Postdoctoral Fellow

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Planetary Interiors and Geophysics
City: Pasadena
State/Province: CA
Country: USA
Contact Person: Catherine Elder
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Application Due Date: Saturday, April 25 2020
Web Link:

The postdoctoral research associate will work with Dr. Catherine Elder to study lunar surface processes using a combination of thermal modeling and observations by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (Diviner). Diviner observations can constrain the material properties of the lunar surface and shallow subsurface which leads to a better understanding of the geologic history of the Moon. Topics of particular interest include volcanism, regolith formation and evolution, and impact processes. The appointee will carry out research in collaboration with the JPL advisor and others, resulting in publications in the open literature.

Candidates should have a recent PhD in planetary science, physics, geology, or a related field. Candidates should have experience with numerical modeling and a strong background in physics. Experience using remote sensing data is preferred but not required. Candidates who have received their PhD within the past five years since the date of their application are eligible. Postdoctoral Scholar positions are awarded for a minimum of one-year period and may be renewed up to a maximum of three years.