The DPS joins the astronomical community in mourning the untimely death of John Huchra, distinguished astronomer and Past President of the AAS, on October 8. John was a friend of the DPS in our time of financial crisis, when he was serving as the AAS President. He will be sorely missed.
From the AAS Informational Email 2010-8:
John was one of those unique astronomers with friends and interests across the whole discipline. He stayed vigorous and active in our field even after suffering a heart attack a few years ago. John was passionate about astronomy and life, full of energy and ideas. He served the Society phenomenally well in his two years as president (and year as president-elect and in his current term as past president). During the same time he served the Society, he served our discipline by working actively on the Decadal Survey Committee. He was always willing to say yes to committee service and always offered sage advice. His research and his AAS and Decadal Survey visions are a legacy for us all. It was an honor and a privilege to work and laugh with him, and we will very much miss his presence at the table of past leaders of our Society. We cannot yet grasp this devastating news, except to know there’s now a great void and a shared profound sadness.