Asteroid observations in the Gaia era

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Laboratoire Lagrange
City: Nice
Country: France
Contact Person: Paolo Tanga
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Application Due Date: Wednesday, July 01 2015
Web Link:

The Laboratory Lagrange at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (Nice, France) calls for applications for a PostDoctoral Fellowship funded by the French Space Agency (CNES), in the field of solar system science connected to Gaia. The position is for one year renewable once, based on adequation of the applicant. The Postdoctoral Fellow will contribute to projects that explore data on Solar System objects produced by the Gaia mission, and the use of Gaia astrometry for the exploitation of Earth-based techniques, e.g stellar occultations, to investigate asteroid physical properties.
Qualifications: candidates will be ranked according to their achievements in their doctoral research, record of referreed publications and independent research abilities. The applicants must have earned a Ph.D. degree in physics/astrophysics, with a solid background in observational and numerical approaches, good interpersonal skills and some experience in working within collaborative environments.
Target start date: November 1st, 2015, negotiable.
Deadline for application: July 1st.
For details, see: