W3 Professor in Experimental and Analytical Planetology

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Institut für Planetologie
City: Münster
State/Province: North Rhein Westphalia
Country: Germany
Contact Person: Prof. Norbert Hölzel
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Münster, Germany
Application Due Date: Sunday, March 20 2022
Web Link: https://www.uni-muenster.de/Rektorat/Stellen/ausschreibungen/st_20220222_mb2.html

The Institut für Planetologie in the Faculty of Geosciences at the University of Münster, Germany, invites applications for a tenured position as a

W3 Professor
in Experimental and Analytical Planetology

Applicants are expected to represent experimental and analytical planetology in both research and teaching. We welcome applications from candidates from all fields of planetology, including micro/nano analytics of planetary materials, cosmochemistry, cosmic mineralogy, impact research, modelling of planetary processes and systems, and experimental research in planetology. Applications from candidates with previous involvement in space missions are particularly welcome.

The successful candidate will have an outstanding research record and a strong research profile. They will be expected to collaborate with other groups at the institute and within the faculty. They will have broad interests in planetology and experience in the application of analytical/experimental methodologies in research and teaching. We also expect active participation in the teaching of planetary and Earth sciences courses at BSc and MSc levels.

The successful candidate will have experience in the acquisition and management of external funds.

The prerequisites for the application are a doctoral degree in geosciences or natural sciences and academic credentials such as a Juniorprofessorship (assistant professorship), a Habilitation (postdoctoral qualification), previous experience as an academic staff member at a university or non-university research institute, or in a research position in business, industry, administration or other relevant fields in Germany or abroad.

The University of Münster is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the proportion of senior women academics. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal possibilities.

The University of Münster is committed to employing more staff with disabilities. Candidates with recognized severe disabilities who have equivalent qualifications are given preference in hiring decisions.

Applications should be sent by email as a single PDF-file. The application must include a cover letter, CV, academic certificates, a publication list, a list of successfully raised funds, documentation of the teaching experience, and research and teaching statements. Applications must be received by March 20, 2022 and should be sent to the Dean of the Faculty:

Prof. Norbert Hölzel
Dean of the Faculty of Geosciences
University of Münster
Heisenbergstr. 2
48149 Münster
Email: [email protected]

Further information concerning the Institut für Planetologie can be found at: https://www.uni-muenster.de/Planetology/en/ifp/home.html

Questions and requests for further information should be directed to Prof. Harald Hiesinger ([email protected]).

Assistant Professor of Cosmochemistry

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
City: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Contact Person: Martin Schiller
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Globe Institute University of Copenhagen
Application Due Date: Tuesday, March 22 2022
Web Link: https://employment.ku.dk/all-vacancies/?show=155963

Assistant Professor of Cosmochemistry at the Globe Institute
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic assistant professor who will join our group at the Centre for Star and Planet Formation for a two year position to commence 16th of June 2022.

The main focus of this research position is centred on elucidating the timescales and processes leading to the formation of the Solar System’s habitable planetary architecture by measurement of isotopic variations in extra-terrestrial materials.

Information on the department can be found at: https://globe.ku.dk/  

Our research
The Centre for Star and Planet Formation, Starplan is a research section of the Globe Institute focused on understanding the formation of planetary systems, including the Solar System, using a multidisciplinary approach that combines astronomy, astrophysics and cosmochemistry. Further information on the Institute is linked at https://globe.ku.dk and about Starplan at https://globe.ku.dk/research/starplan/.  

Your job
We seek a highly-motivated individual with a strong background in isotope geochemistry to join a dynamic group to pursue innovative research and take full advantage of the multidisciplinary environment the centre offers, including state-of-the-art isotope facilities. These include thermal-ionization and multiple-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometers (Thermo Scientific Triton, Neptune and Neoma, respectively) as well as ultra-clean laboratories. We also expect that the individual will contribute to the management and running of the clean laboratory and provide laboratory support for MSc and PhD students of the centre.

The assistant professor’s responsibilities will primarily consist of:

  • research, including publication/academic dissemination duties
  • research-based teaching
  • sharing knowledge with society
  • participation in formal pedagogical training programme for assistant professors

Six overall criteria apply for assistant professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria (research, teaching, societal impact, organisational contribution, external funding, and leadership) are considered a framework for the overall assessment of candidates. Find information about each criterion here: https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/criteria-for-recognising-merit.

Furthermore, we are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic scientist with the following skills and experience:

Essential experience and skills:

  • You have a PhD in Earth and planetary sciences.
  • Strong scientific track record demonstrated by high-quality publications in peer reviewed international journals as first author in the field of cosmochemistry.
  • The candidate should be able to conduct independent and creative research and show good inter-personal and communication skills.
  • Strong background in mass spectrometry or related analytical techniques.
  • You are excellent in written and oral communication in English.
  • You have experience in research collaborations and have demonstrated enthusiasm, motivation, flexibility and confidence.

Place of employment
The place of employment is at the Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen. We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in dynamic and international research environment. Our research facilities include modern laboratories and state-of-the-art equipment and infrastructure.

Terms of employment
The average weekly working hours are 37 hours per week.

The position is a fixed-term position limited to a period of 2 years. The start date is the 16th of June 2022.

Salary, pension and other conditions of employment are set in accordance with the Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (Danish Confederation of Professional Associations) or other relevant organisation.

Currently, the monthly salary starts at DKK 37.507,78 (April 2022 level). Depending on qualifications, a supplement may be negotiated. The employer will pay an additional 17.1 % to your pension fund.

Foreign and Danish applicants may be eligible for tax reductions if they hold a PhD degree and have not been tax liable to Denmark the last 10 years.

The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2000. 

For further information please contact Martin Schiller; e-mail [email protected]; www.sund.ku.dk.

Foreign applicants may find this link useful: www.ism.ku.dk (International Staff Mobility).

Application procedure
Your application may be submitted in English by clicking ‘Apply now’ below. Furthermore, your application must include the following documents/attachments – all in PDF format:

  1. Motivated letter of application (Max. one page)
  2. CV incl. education, work/research experience, language skills and other skills relevant for the position
  3. A certified/signed copy of a) PhD certificate and b) Master of Science certificate or equivalent. If the PhD is not completed, a written statement from the supervisor will do
  4. List of publications
  5. Teaching portfolio (If applicable)

Deadline for applications: 22 March 2022, 23.59pm CET

We reserve the right not to consider material received after the deadline, and not to consider applications that do not live up to the abovementioned requirements.

The further process
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the hiring committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an unbiased assessor. Once the assessment work has been completed each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.

You can read about the recruitment process at https://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/

The applicant will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

The University of Copenhagen wish to reflect the diversity of society and encourage all qualified candidates to apply regardless of personal background.

Postdoc Position in Planetary/Exoplanet Geophysics

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
City: Providence
State/Province: RI
Country: United States
Contact Person: Alex Evans
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Brown University
Application Due Date: Friday, April 22 2022
Web Link: https://ghosst.alexjevans.com/2022/02/10/postdoctoral-position-in-exoplanet-geophysics/

The Brown University Department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences (DEEPS) invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in exoplanet and habitability evolution modeling. Ideal candidates are those with experience in the development and/or modeling of mantle thermochemical evolution on planetary bodies.

The successful applicant will be based in DEEPS and will work with a cross-disciplinary research team in both DEEPS and the Department of Physics to carry out research that integrates models of mantle thermochemical evolution and atmospheric evolution to understand how exoplanets evolve through time.

Interested individuals should have a Ph.D. in Planetary Science, Geophysics, Physics/Astronomy, Statistics, Mathematics, or a related field. A start date by Summer/Fall 2022 is expected, but earlier and later start dates will be considered.

Research will be primarily advised by Professor Alex Evans. Selected applicant will have the opportunity to collaborate with Brown DEEPS Professors Steve Parman and  Dan Ibarra, Brown Physics Professor Gregory Tucker, Dr. Matthew Weller at LPI, and Professor Alexandria Johnson of Purdue University.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

If interested, please send a CV and brief statement of research interests and future research goals that highlights any previous experience with mantle, atmospheric, or exoplanet modeling and analyses to exoplanets [at] brown [dot] edu.

Any questions can be directed to Alex Evans, alex_evans [at] brown [dot] edu.

Mars 2020 Postdoc

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
City: West Lafayette
State/Province: IN
Country: USA
Contact Person: Briony Horgan
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Purdue University
Application Due Date: Sunday, August 28 2022
Web Link: https://careers.purdue.edu/job/West-Lafayette-Post-Doc-Research-Associate-IN-47906/853529100/

The Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Science at Purdue University has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to join the Mastcam-Z team on the Perseverance rover, part of the Mars 2020 mission, to conduct geological investigations using Mastcam-Z images and multispectral data in concert with other payload and remote sensing datasets. Possible investigation topics include but are not limited to igneous, fluvial, and impact processes, as well as diagenesis and alteration, as observed in Jezero crater and through regional and global context studies. The postdoc would also support Mastcam-Z and project-level operations roles and actively participate in collaborative team scientific activities. A PhD in geology, planetary science, or a closely related field is required. Experience in reflectance spectroscopy or remote sensing data analysis is preferred. The position is available immediately and is expected to run for 2 years pending availability of funding.  A background check is required for employment in this position. The position will remain open until filled.


Please direct all questions to Prof. Briony Horgan ([email protected]).  Applications should include a CV, the names and contact information of 3 professional references, and a cover letter summarizing relevant past experience for the position and why you are interested in the position.


Purdue University is an EEO/AA employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and protected veterans are encouraged to apply.

Post-doctoral position in Isotope Geochemistry

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Bayerisches Geoinstitut
City: Bayreuth
Country: Germany
Contact Person: Dr. Remco Hin
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Bayreuth
Application Due Date: Monday, November 01 2021

European Research Council funded post-doctoral position in isotope geochemistry to investigate potassium isotope fractionation during Solar system formation

Hosted at the Bavarian Geoinstitute for Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Applications are being received until the position is filled


Position.  The BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany, is seeking a candidate for a post-doctoral position to investigate potassium isotope fractionation during Solar system formation. The candidate will develop potassium isotope analysis by double-spiked thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) in tandem with development of measurement by collision cell MC-ICPMS and apply these methods to the analysis of various meteorites, terrestrial rocks and experimental samples.

The position is part of a project that seeks to quantify the role of vapour loss during planet formation and is funded by European Research Council Starting Grant Vaploss. As such, the candidate will become part of a team of two post-doctoral researchers who will work jointly with the PI (Dr. Remco Hin) on the project.

The position is funded for 3 years. The salary will be based on grade E13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector.

Working environment.  The BGI has a long history of research into Earth and planetary sciences, including chemical and physical aspects of planetary accretion. This environment provides the candidate with ample opportunity for collaborations, which will be encouraged.

In addition to its existing experimental, analytical and computational facilities, the BGI will open new cleanrooms for trace metal isotope geochemistry (planned in December 2021) and a mass spectrometry facility equipped with state-of-the-art (laser-ablation) MC-ICPMS instrumentation.

The project further consists of collaborations with the Bristol Isotope Group (Prof. Tim Elliott) at the University of Bristol, where part of the analyses will take place, and with Prof. Audrey Bouvier (BGI) regarding meteoritical analyses.

Application requirements.  The candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field. Preference will be given to candidates who have previous experience with mass spectrometry, ideally with experience in developing new protocols, especially as applied to solid Earth or other planetary studies. Good communication skills in English are desirable, as is the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team.

The application should consist of a single pdf file containing a CV (max. 2 pages), list of publications, contact details for two suitable referees, and a cover letter (max. 2 pages) detailing your research experience and your motivation to apply for this position. The application file should be sent to Dr. Remco Hin ([email protected]), who can also be contacted by potential applicants for further inquiries about the position.

Post-doctoral position in Geophysics/Planetary physics

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Bayerisches Geoinstitut
City: Bayreuth
Country: Germany
Contact Person: Dr. Remco Hin
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Bayreuth
Application Due Date: Monday, November 01 2021

European Research Council funded post-doctoral position in geophysics/planetary physics to model volatile loss processes occurring during planetary growth

Hosted at the Bavarian Geoinstitute for Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics (BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany)

Applications are being received until the position is filled


Position.  The BGI, University of Bayreuth, Germany, is seeking a candidate for a post-doctoral position to numerically model volatile loss processes occurring during planetary growth. The work will focus on describing the formation of vapour above magma and escape of this vapour from the gravitational influence of growing planetary objects, and integrating chemical fractionation during these processes.

The position is part of a project that seeks to quantify the role of volatile loss during planetary growth and is funded by European Research Council Starting Grant Vaploss. As such, the candidate will become part of a team of two post-doctoral researchers who will work jointly with the PI (Dr. Remco Hin) on the project.

The position is funded for 2 years. The salary will be based on grade E13 TV-L of the pay scale for the German public sector.

Working environment.  The BGI has a long history of research into Earth and planetary sciences, including chemical and physical aspects of planetary accretion. This environment provides the candidate with ample opportunity for collaborations, which will be encouraged.

The project further consists of a close collaboration with Prof. Francis Nimmo (University of California Santa Cruz) on modelling volatile loss mechanisms, with Dr. Zoe Leinhardt (University of Bristol) on planetary growth models, and with Prof. G. Golabek (BGI) on heat inputs during planetary accretion.

Application requirements.  The candidate should hold a PhD in a relevant field and preferably have post-doctoral experience. Good mathematical skills and communication skills in English are desirable, as is the ability to work in a multi-disciplinary team.

The application should consist of a single pdf file containing a CV (max. 2 pages), list of publications, contact details for two suitable referees, and a cover letter (max. 2 pages) detailing your research experience and your motivation to apply for this position. The application file should be sent to Dr. Remco Hin ([email protected]), who can also be contacted by potential applicants for further inquiries about the position.

Assistant Professor – Tenure Track in Planetary Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Earth & Space Sciences
City: Seattle
State/Province: Washington
Country: USA
Institution: University of Washington
Application Due Date: Friday, May 07 2021
Web Link: http://apply.interfolio.com/85329

The University of Washington Department of Earth and Space Sciences seeks an outstanding
scientist working at the forefront of research in one of more of the following areas:
planetary geology, geomorphology, geochemistry, glaciology, or geophysics. The candidate may
focus on observations, experiments, and/ or modeling of planetary surfaces, atmospheres, or
interiors of planets, exoplanets, or moons. We seek a colleague who can provide high quality
teaching and contribute collaboratively to research within the department, college, and
across campus, for example, the university?s Astrobiology Program.
For full applications details, please see:   apply.interfolio.com/85329

Preference will be given to applications received by May 7th, 2021.

Postdoctoral Researcher (Visiting) (Center for Lunar Science)

Posted on
Current state: Approved
Department: Center for Lunar Science and Exploration
City: Houston
State/Province: Texas
Country: USA
Contact Person: David Kring
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Lunar and Planetary Institute
Application Due Date: Thursday, December 31 2020
Web Link: https://workforcenow.adp.com/mascsr/default/mdf/recruitment/recruitment.html?cid=f03960f2-20cd-4828-9ae5-415eefc7072e&ccId=19000101_000001&jobId=371640&lang=en_US&source=CC4

The Universities Space Research Association’s Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), invites applications for postdoctoral fellowships in lunar science and exploration for full-time exempt positions in the Houston, Texas area. The successful candidate will join Dr. David A. Kring and over two dozen other scientists in the Center for Lunar Science and Exploration, which is one of twelve national centers of excellence supported by NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute. The main goals of the Center’s activities are to address NASA’s highest lunar exploration science objectives, including activities in preparation of robotic and crewed landings. 

Applications from those with recent Ph.D.s (including those to be awarded at the end of the Spring 2020 semester) in the fields of remote sensing, petrology, and stable isotope geochemistry are encouraged to apply. 

In the field of remote sensing, the successful candidate will work at LPI, conduct high-priority science investigations and provide input needed for lunar surface missions.  In the field of petrology and stable isotope geochemistry, the successful candidate will work at the LPI and use analytical facilities at the adjacent NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) and two collaborating universities to assess the abundances and evolution of volatiles in lunar samples. 

USRA offers a competitive salary and benefits package. If there are any questions about the science and exploration involved in the positions, please contact Dr. David A. Kring ([email protected]).

Interested applicants should apply to the posting at USRA Careers and must submit a curriculum vita with list of publications, a two to three-page statement of research interests, and a list of three references. There is no firm application deadline, although a review of applications will begin March 1, 2020. 

USRA is an independent, nonprofit research corporation where the combined efforts of in-house talent and university-based expertise merge to advance space science and technology. USRA works across disciplines including biomedicine, planetary science, astrophysics, and engineering and integrates those competencies into applications ranging from fundamental research to facility management and operations. USRA engages the creativity and authoritative expertise of the research community to develop and deliver sophisticated, forward-looking solutions to Federal agencies and other customers – on schedule and within budget.

USRA is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Minorities / Gender & Gender Identity / Protected Veterans / Disabled / Sexual Orientation.

Research Space Scientist

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Heliophysics and Planetary Science Branch
City: Huntsville
State/Province: Alabama
Country: USA
Contact Person: David McKenzie
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Application Due Date: Thursday, December 31 2020
Web Link: http://www.usajobs.gov

Upcoming Planetary Science Research Positions at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

The Heliophysics and Planetary Science Branch at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, plans to offer multiple positions seeking scientists to conduct research and develop applications to solve challenging Planetary Science problems. Outstanding candidates have the potential to be selected for federal employment, joining more than 30 other federal employees, academic staff, and contractors supporting Planetary Science efforts within the Branch, a subset of the Science Research and Projects Division, and the Science and Technology Office at Marshall Space Flight Center.

Research Space Scientist positions will be offered for researchers in planetary science, with expertise in remote sensing of planets, moons, and asteroids, and the development of instrumentation for planetary science investigations. The selected candidates will add substantive capability synergistic with the current staff and the goals of NASA’s Artemis program and MSFC’s strategy to integrate human space flight and science robotic capabilities in the Artemis era. The candidates will have an opportunity to lead the development of research proposals for new activities, execute funded projects, and share their accomplishments through conference participation and appropriate peer-reviewed literature.

The positions are expected to be announced in autumn 2020 under the category of Research Space Scientist and at the GS-13 grade level. Successful candidates will have had experience applying advanced tools, techniques, and/or data analysis/mining/machine learning techniques to datasets collected with remote sensing measurement techniques. Candidates should have made regular contributions to a research team with some guidance and direction, developed new analysis techniques to solve challenging problems, made contributions to peer-reviewed proposals in response to technical solicitations, and have contributed to peer-reviewed publications as part of a demonstrated publication record.

The formal announcement of the opportunity and related requirements will be posted in the near future at USAJobs (www.usajobs.gov) and can be found by searching with keyword NASA and location of Huntsville, Alabama. Applications are only accepted through the USAJobs portal, and United States citizenship is required to be eligible for these civil service positions. Candidates are encouraged to create a USAJobs profile well in advance to populate their resume and may also subscribe to USAJobs alerts received via email. Informal inquiries can be directed to Dr. David McKenzie, [email protected], 256-961-7896.

ESA Project Scientist for the Mars Sample Return mission

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Directorate for Science / Directorate for Human and Robotic Exploration
City: Noordwijk
Country: The Netherlands
Contact Person: Markus Kissler-Patig, Head of Science and Operations
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: European Space Agency
Application Due Date: Tuesday, July 07 2020
Web Link: https://tinyurl.com/yacthy6l

ESA Project Scientist position for Mars Sample Return mission

The European Space Agency’s Directorates for Science and for Human and Robotic Exploration are seeking a Programme Scientist for the Mars Sample Return mission. Your primary role will be to lead the scientific preparations in ESA for the Mars Sample Return Campaign. This campaign is under study by ESA and NASA and aims to return about 500g of Mars samples to Earth.

The position is based at ESTEC in the Netherlands.
Deadline for applications is July 7, 2020.