Research Scientist II, Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres
City: Pasadena
State/Province: CA
Category: ,
Country: United States
Contact Person: Cheryl Cooperstein
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Application Due Date: Monday, November 23 2020
Web Link:

The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology invites applications for a staff Scientist in the Planetary and Exoplanetary Atmospheres group in the Planetary Science Section at JPL. In this position, you will perform observational studies of giant planet atmospheres from ground-based and airborne facilities and pursue research into the temporal and spatial structure of cloud and gas abundance distributions in the upper atmospheres of both the Gas and Ice Giants. It is expected that the successful candidate will develop an independently funded research program and will pursue new lines of research focusing on the chemistry and dynamics of the atmospheres of planets in the solar system.


This position requires the following qualifications:

  • Ph.D. degree in planetary science, planetary physics, astronomy, atmospheric chemistry or related field.
  • Demonstrated experience with telescopic observations of planetary atmospheres, including those of the Outer Planets (Ice Giants and Gas Giants), particularly as it relates to support of active missions and missions in development.  Familiarity with operating procedures and principles of large ground-based and/or airborne telescopes, and success in obtaining telescopic observing time
  • Peer-reviewed publications in high-impact journals in the aforementioned fields.
  • Demonstrated professional reputation as a productive researcher with a track record of publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and/or international conferences.

The following qualifications are preferred:

  • 3+ years’ minimum experience following the Ph.D. in research in planetary science, planetary physics, astronomy, atmospheric chemistry or related field.
  • Experience using numerical methods to retrieve temperature, cloud and gas abundance distributions in the atmosphere of the Ice Giants (Uranus/Neptune) and Gas Giants (Jupiter/Saturn).
  • Familiarity with existing software packages for retrieval of temperature profiles, cloud properties and gaseous abundance distribution
  • History of writing successful external research funding proposals
  • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to communicate complex scientific concepts to a broad scientific community and the public.
  • Prior involvement in activities of service to the community, including, but not limited to, review boards, telescope time allocation panels, proposal and manuscript review.

To view the full description of this unique opportunity (including EEO statement and NASA requirements) and apply, please visit: Applications received by November 23, 2020, will receive full consideration.

Postdoc with MAVEN’s Imaging UltraViolet Spectrograph Team

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
City: Boulder
State/Province: CO
Country: USA
Contact Person: Nick Schneider
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: U. Colorado, Boulder
Application Due Date: Sunday, November 15 2020
Web Link:

The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder seeks a talented scientist for the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) team on the  MAVEN mission to Mars. IUVS is making important discoveries in Mars atmosphere, including escape and evolution, aurora, nightglow, photochemistry, composition, dynamics and cloud formation. 

Key Responsibilities: Observational studies of the Mars atmosphere through ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging.  Scientific analysis of data obtained, publication of results in scientific journals, conference presentations. Support for mission/instrument operations and observation planning. Operation and enhancement of automated data processing pipelines. Mentoring student researchers.

Qualifications: Ph.D in Planetary Science, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Physics or similar. Coding proficiency in python, IDL or similar. Skill with data analysis, image processing, statistics. Familiarity with Mars atmospheric science, including one or more of the following: atmospheric structure, dayglow, nightglow, aurora, photochemistry, ultraviolet spectroscopy, atmospheric evolution, climate, waves and tides, General Circulation Models, numerical simulation.

Please see for more on CU/Boulder, LASP, benefits. We are committed to building a culturally diverse community of faculty, staff, and students contributing to an inclusive campus environment. Application review begins on 15 November. Remote work during the pandemic is negotiable. Contact [email protected]

Postdoctoral Researcher with the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Team

Posted on
Current state: Review
Department: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP)
City: Boulder
State/Province: CO
Country: USA
Contact Person: Nick Schneider
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of Colorado Boulder
Application Due Date: Sunday, November 15 2020
Web Link:

Summary. The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder is seeking a talented scientist to work with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) team on the MAVEN mission. The IUVS team has made important discoveries in the areas of Mars atmosphere including escape and evolution, aurora, nightglow, photochemistry, composition, dynamics and cloud formation, and more discoveries are anticipated.  The team is led by Nick Schneider.

Key Responsibilities: Observational studies of the Mars atmosphere through ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging.  Scientific analysis of data obtained, publication of results in appropriate scientific journals and presentation at conferences. Support for mission/instrument operations and observation planning. Operation and enhancement of automated data processing pipelines including retrievals of atmospheric properties. Mentoring of graduate and undergraduate student researchers.

Position Requirements: Ph.D in Planetary Science, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Physics or a related field. Coding proficiency in python, IDL or other scientific computing languages.

Desired Qualifications: Skill with data analysis, image processing and statistics. Familiarity with Mars atmospheric science, including one or more of the following: atmospheric structure, dayglow, nightglow, aurora, photochemistry, ultraviolet spectroscopy, atmospheric evolution, climate, waves and tides, familiarity with General Circulation Models and numerical simulation.

Please see for additional information about the University, LASP, benefits, etc. The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to building a culturally diverse community of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contributing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Review of applications begins on 15 December. Start date is negotiable. Remote work during the pandemic is negotiable. Contact [email protected] with questions.

Four researcher positions related to Mars atmospheric science at NSSTC, UAE University

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: National Space Science and Technology Center
City: Al Ain
State/Province: Abu Dhabi
Country: United Arab Emirates
Contact Person: Roland Young
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: United Arab Emirates University
Application Due Date: Sunday, September 06 2020
Web Link:

The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) at UAE University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates invites applications for four researcher positions (two Senior Researchers and two Postdoctoral Fellows) related to Mars atmospheric science, to join NSSTC’s Planetary Science group, part of its Earth and Planetary Science Unit.

For full details of each position, to see the required application materials for each one, and to apply, please search for “Mars” at => Postings => Job Title. Full consideration will be given to applications submitted by 6 September 2020, but the positions will remain open until filled.

Senior Researcher in Emirates Mars Mission related science: We seek an experienced scientist to propose and lead their own research program related to the Emirates Mars Mission (EMM), using EMM’s publicly-available dataset, and complementary to existing expertise within the group. The group’s existing Mars expertise is in planetary climate modelling, data assimilation, the dust cycle, and other physical processes relevant to Mars’ lower atmosphere and climate, so the Senior Researcher’s expertise could be in the upper atmosphere, surface or subsurface, polar science, ionosphere, atmospheric chemistry, solar-planetary interactions, or some other topic relevant to EMM.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Mars atmospheric science: This will focus on Mars dust storms, starting with imagery and dust climatological data from past and existing Mars missions, to gauge the feasibility of extracting information about Mars dust storms from such observations. Once EMM begins its science phase, the researcher will use EMM observations as quantitative constraints on key parameters related to the formation of dust storms, such as dust optical depth, atmospheric and surface temperatures, surface winds, etc. to generate a comprehensive database of Mars dust storms.

Senior Researcher in Earth and Mars atmospheric retrievals: The main goal of this position is to build expertise within the UAE in the area of planetary atmospheric retrievals. We seek an experienced scientist with expertise in UV/visible/IR and thermal IR/microwave atmospheric retrievals to lead a program building local Emirati expertise in atmospheric retrievals, which will involve software development, retrieval product generation, student training, and scientific analysis. The main scientific goals are (1) to convert EMM calibrated spectra into atmospheric quantities, using EMM’s publicly available dataset, building expertise among Emirati students and researchers in the methods and mathematical principles of atmospheric retrievals, radiative transfer modelling, and scientific programming, by involving them at all stages of the process, and (2) to contribute to NSSTC research and development projects in Earth observation where atmospheric retrievals are required.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Earth and Mars atmospheric retrievals: We seek a candidate with expertise in UV/visible/IR and/or thermal IR/microwave atmospheric retrievals to work alongside the Senior Researcher above, working towards the same goals.

In all cases there may also be the possibility to be involved in teaching UAEU’s new MSc in Space Science course, which is anticipated to run for the first time in Spring 2021.

NSSTC is a research and development institute of some 50 staff located on the UAE University campus in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, about 90 minutes’ drive from Abu Dhabi and Dubai. UAEU is the largest and highest-ranked public university in the UAE.

The Center was established jointly by UAEU, the UAE Space Agency, and the UAE Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (ICT-Fund), motivated by UAEU’s desire to strengthen its role in and contribute to the needs of the nation in space science and technology, and to become a space science and technology hub for the region. NSSTC focuses on research and development, higher education, and community outreach. The Center’s priorities are three-fold: excellence in space science, leadership in space technology, and providing innovative solutions to a broad spectrum of societal challenges.

Currently nearing completion at UAEU is NSSTC’s Assembly, Integration, and Testing facility for satellites up to 250 kg, with the capability of building multiple satellites at a time. It will also support UAEU student CubeSat projects. The facility will include a cleanroom, thermal vacuum chamber, vibration system, and anechoic chamber. Once complete, this facility will also include a ground station and mission control. The Center’s other facilities include Global Navigation Satellite System and In Space Resources Utilisation laboratories, and NSSTC’s research staff also have access to UAEU’s supercomputing cluster.

NSSTC has expertise in spacecraft communications and precision positioning, on-board real-time systems, space situational awareness, global navigation systems, space resource utilization, geospatial information systems, Earth observation, and planetary science.

Postdoctoral Researcher

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
City: Houston
State/Province: TX
Country: USA
Contact Person: German Martinez
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), run by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA)
Application Due Date: Saturday, August 01 2020
Web Link:

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), run by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA), invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Radiative Transfer Modeling in Planetary Atmospheres.

The successful candidate will join Dr. Germán Martínez on the Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer (MEDA) science team of NASA’s Mars 2020 mission, and will participate in analysis and interpretation of measurements made by the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), one of the six environmental sensors comprising MEDA. The successful candidate may also participate in operations planning for the MEDA instrument.

Applicants should have a recent Ph.D. in Planetary Science, Physics, or a related field. The successful candidate will develop a numerical model capable of spectrally simulating longwave radiation fluxes at the Martian surface to maximize the scientific return of TIRS. Previous experience with Mars-related research is preferred, but not required. The position is for two years with a possible one-year extension.

Interested applicants should apply to the posting at The required application material includes: (1) cover letter evidencing the qualifications of the applicant to this position, (2) curriculum vitae with list of publications, (3) two- to three-page statement of research interests and plans describing the candidate’s expected independent research program at the LPI, and (4) list of at least three professional references. Application material should be uploaded as a single document. Review of candidates will begin on August 1, 2020; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Questions can be addressed to Dr. Germán Martínez ([email protected]).

Emirates Mars Mission postdoctoral research fellowships

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
City: Boulder / Berkeley / Flagstaff / Phoenix / Greenbelt / Blacksburg / Paris + Abu Dhabi
Category: ,
Country: USA / France + UAE
Contact Person: Dave Brain
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: One of 8 EMM science team institutions + Khalifa University
Application Due Date: Saturday, May 23 2020
Web Link:

The Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) science team and Khalifa University (KU) are inviting applications for up to 5 postdoctoral research fellowship positions. We seek candidates interested in spacecraft observations and models of the Martian atmosphere (including the upper atmosphere) relevant to EMM observations. EMM will launch in July 2020 and arrive at Mars in early 2021, and carries an imaging system with several visible and UV bandpasses (EXI), a thermal IR spectrometer (EMIRS), and a UV imaging spectrometer (EMUS). Examples of science topics that postdocs may pursue include, but are not limited to:

  • Thermal structure of the lower Martian atmosphere
  • Clouds and aerosols in the Martian atmosphere
  • Atmospheric variability on diurnal, daily, and seasonal timescales
  • Vertical transport in the Martian atmosphere
  • Structure and composition of the Martian thermosphere
  • The hydrogen and oxygen exosphere of Mars
  • Thermal and photochemical escape from the Martian atmosphere
  • General Circulation Modeling of the Martian atmosphere (including upper atmosphere)


The fellowship is initially for two years, and renewable for up to one additional year. Postdocs will split their time each year between a host institution affiliated with the EMM science team (University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab, Northern Arizona University, Arizona State University, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Space Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech, and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique in Paris), and KU in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. While at KU the postdocs will continue their EMM research and participate in the formation of a new space science and technology center. It is anticipated that one or more of the postdocs may be able to transition to a tenure-track faculty position at KU during or after the postdoc period.

Applicants should have met the requirements for a Ph.D. in planetary science, atmospheric physics, or a related field by the end of May 2020. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with review starting May 23.

We recognize that the effectiveness and creativity of a group is strengthened by contributions from a broad range of perspectives. As such, we welcome candidates from groups that are historically underrepresented in our field.

For more information about EMM please see:

For more information about Khalifa University please see:

For questions please contact: [email protected]

Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a C.V., and the names of three references to

Postdoctoral Scholar

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science
City: Flagstaff
State/Province: AZ
Country: USA
Contact Person: Tyler Robinson
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Northern Arizona University
Application Due Date: Monday, March 30 2020
Web Link:

The Habitability, Atmospheres, and Biosignatures Laboratory ( in the Department of Astronomy and Planetary Science at Northern Arizona University seeks a postdoctoral scholar to join the research group.  The HABLab works primarily on understanding techniques for characterizing exoplanetary atmospheres for signs of habitability and life.  These investigations are carried out using spacecraft data as well as a variety of tools for modeling planetary climate and radiation.  We seek candidates that will explore applications of retrieval analyses to simulated direct imaging observations of Earth-like exoplanets to constrain surface properties and habitability.

Emirates Mars Mission Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Varies
City: Varies
State/Province: Varies
Country: USA/France & UAE
Contact Person: Dave Brain
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: One of 8 EMM science team institutions and Khalifa University
Application Due Date: Tuesday, March 17 2020
Web Link:

The Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) science team and Khalifa University (KU) are inviting applications for up to 5 postdoctoral research fellowship positions. We seek candidates interested in spacecraft observations and models of the Martian atmosphere (including the upper atmosphere) relevant to EMM observations. EMM will launch in July 2020 and arrive at Mars in early 2021, and carries an imaging system with several visible and UV bandpasses (EXI), a thermal IR spectrometer (EMIRS), and a UV imaging spectrometer (EMUS). Examples of science topics that postdocs may pursue include, but are not limited to:

  • Thermal structure of the lower Martian atmosphere
  • Clouds and aerosols in the Martian atmosphere
  • Atmospheric variability on diurnal, daily, and seasonal timescales
  • Vertical transport in the Martian atmosphere
  • Structure and composition of the Martian thermosphere
  • The hydrogen and oxygen exosphere of Mars
  • Thermal and photochemical escape from the Martian atmosphere
  • General Circulation Modeling of the Martian atmosphere (including upper atmosphere)

The fellowship is initially for two years, and renewable for up to one additional year. Postdocs will split their time each year between a host institution affiliated with the EMM science team (University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab, Northern Arizona University, Arizona State University, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Space Sciences Institute, Virginia Tech, and Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique in Paris), and KU in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. While at KU the postdocs will continue their EMM research and participate in the formation of a new space science and technology center. It is anticipated that one or more of the postdocs may be able to transition to a tenure-track faculty position at KU during or after the postdoc period.

Applicants should have met the requirements for a Ph.D. in planetary science, atmospheric physics, or a related field by the end of May 2020. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with initial review starting March 17.

We recognize that the effectiveness and creativity of a group is strengthened by contributions from a broad range of perspectives. As such, we welcome candidates from groups that are historically underrepresented in our field.

For more information about EMM please see:

For more information about Khalifa University please see:

For questions please contact: [email protected]

Applicants should submit a letter of interest, a C.V., and the names of three references to

Staff Scientist in Astronomy or Planetary Science

Posted on
Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: Division of Earth and Planets (formerly DTM/GL)
City: Washington
State/Province: District of Columbia
Country: United States
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Carnegie Institution for Science
Application Due Date: Sunday, February 18 2018
Web Link:

The Carnegie Institution for Science (Washington, DC campus) invites applications for a staff scientist in astronomy or planetary science.  We are particularly interested in candidates with research emphases in laboratory experiment, theory, or observation of planet formation or (exo)planetary atmospheres. We encourage applications from those interested in cross-disciplinary areas that complement or expand our existing strengths in Earth, planetary, and exoplanet science. We are committed to enhancing the diversity of our staff and welcome applications from individuals with a diverse set of experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives.

The Carnegie Institution is a basic research organization committed to exploring intriguing scientific questions.  Carnegie staff scientists hold 12-month salaried appointments and pursue independent research supported by a combination of endowment and federal funds.  Staff scientists do not have teaching duties, but we place considerable emphasis on mentoring postdoctoral scholars.

Carnegie’s Department of Terrestrial Magnetism and Geophysical Laboratory are merging into a single division that will continue to provide staff scientists with the resources to pursue fundamental research on planet formation, (exo)planets, and planetary evolution, including state-of-the-art laboratories, computer clusters, and a partnership with Carnegie’s Observatories that includes access to Las Campanas Observatory.  In a separate ad, we are searching for a second staff scientist with interests in planetary petrology, magmatic volatiles, or geo/cosmochemical approaches to planet evolution. Information about our current research programs can be found at and  Our vision for interdisciplinary planetary research can be found at  Applicants should have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and propose a world-class research program.

To apply, please submit (1) cover letter with the names and addresses of three references, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) list of publications, (4) abstracts of your two most relevant and important papers, (5) a 2-3 page summary of previous research, and (6) a research plan of up to 5 pages through the “Apply Now” button below.  You may email [email protected] with any questions.

Review of applications will begin immediately with a deadline of 18 February 2020.

The Carnegie Institution is an equal opportunity employer.  All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment and will not be discriminated against on the basis of gender, race/ethnicity, protected veteran status, disability, or other protected group status.

Postdoctoral Researcher with the MAVEN Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph Team

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Current state: Approved
Department: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
City: Boulder
State/Province: Colorado
Category: , ,
Country: USA
Contact Person: Nick Schneider
Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder
Application Due Date: Sunday, December 15 2019
Web Link:

Summary: The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder is seeking a talented scientist to work with the Imaging Ultraviolet Spectrograph (IUVS) team on the MAVEN mission. The IUVS team has made important discoveries in the areas of Mars aeronomy, atmospheric escape and evolution, aurora, nightglow, photochemistry, composition, dynamics and cloud formation, and more discoveries are anticipated.  The team is led by Nick Schneider.

Key Responsibilities: Observational studies of the Mars atmosphere through ultraviolet spectroscopy and imaging. Scientific analysis of data obtained, publication of results in appropriate scientific journals and presentation at conferences. Support for mission/instrument operations and observation planning. Operation and enhancement of automated data processing pipelines including retrievals of atmospheric properties. Mentoring of graduate and undergraduate student researchers.

Position Requirements: Ph.D in Planetary Science, Astronomy, Atmospheric Science, Physics or a related field. Coding proficiency in python, IDL or other scientific computing languages.

Desired Qualifications: Skill with data analysis, image processing and statistics. Familiarity with Mars atmospheric science, including one or more of the following: atmospheric structure, dayglow, nightglow, aurora, photochemistry, ultraviolet spectroscopy, atmospheric evolution, climate, waves and tides, familiarity with General Circulation Models and numerical simulation.

Please see for additional information about the University, LASP, benefits, etc. The University of Colorado Boulder is committed to building a culturally diverse community of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contributing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans and individuals with disabilities. Review of applications begins on 15 December. Start date is negotiable.