Postdoctoral researcher in Planetary Sciences

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Current state: Approved
Department: Applied Physics I
City: Bilbao
Country: Spain
Contact Person: Agustin Sánchez Lavega
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Application Due Date: Monday, July 15 2013
Web Link:

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), working with Prof A. Sánchez Lavega on Planetary Atmospheres. The successful candidate will join the Planetary Science Group at the Applied Physics Department in the Faculty of Engineering of the UPV/EHU, located in central Bilbao. The Planetary Science Group ( is a consolidated research group of the highest rank within the Basque Government Research System, and it is presently involved in several international space missions and proposals. Candidates with proven expertise in one of the following areas will be considered: – Dynamical modeling of planetary atmospheres (numerical methods) – Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres (optical and infrared). Successful candidates must have a PhD in astrophysics, geophysics (planets) or a related discipline. They must be able to work independently, have a high degree of computer literacy and a proven ability to reduce scientific data. Proficiency in high level programming is essential and experience with parallelization desirable. The post is funded by the Directorate for Science Policy of the Basque Government. The initial appointment is for one year, but it is renewable until December 2015. Gross salary is of approximately 32000 € per year. The position will be open until we find a suitable candidate. Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be addressed to Dr. T. del Río Gaztelurrutia ([email protected]) and Prof. A. Sánchez Lavega ([email protected]) including a curriculum vitae and a statement of research experience and interests. Applicants should arrange for two academic references to be sent to [email protected] and [email protected].