Newsletter 18-28

Issue 18-28, July 11, 2018










I am looking forward to DPS 2018 in Knoxville in October!


A reminder that applications for the Hartmann Student Travel grants are due

at the end of the day on July 12.  Application details are at:  


Travel grants are primarily intended for students, but post-doctoral scientists 

without other means of support will also be considered.


Also, we invite early career scientists, including undergraduate and graduate 

students, postdocs, others early in their careers, and first-time presenter to 

participate in this year’s Early Career Presenters Review at DPS.  Join this 

educational opportunity to receive feedback from seasoned presenters! 

The DPS Early Career Presenters Review will take place on Sunday afternoon

October 21st and on Monday October 22nd throughout the day.  Early career 

scientists are invited to practice their oral or poster presentation and receive 

feedback before presenting during the regular meeting. Participants also have 

the opportunity to network with their peers and future colleagues. Registration

is free but required for participants: 

Please contact Sanlyn Buxner ([email protected]) with any questions.


See you in Knoxville!


Cathy Olkin



Send submissions to: 

Anne Verbiscer, DPS Secretary ([email protected]


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