DPS Officers

The DPS Chair and Vice-Chair serve one-year terms, and are elected by the membership of the Division from a list compiled by the Nominating Subcommittee. The Secretary, Treasurer, Education Officer, Press Officer, and Federal Relations Officer are appointed by the DPS Committee; and each serves a three-year term. The Historian and Webmaster are ad-hoc positions appointed by the DPS Chair. They are not a voting members of the DPS Committee, and there is no set term for the positions.  The Student Representative, who must be enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate at the start of their term, is elected by the membership and serves a two-year term.  Note: the Student Represtative role is new as of the 2019 Bylaws and the first election will be held in 2020. Optionally, deputies for the Press Officer and Education and Public Outreach Officer may be recommended by the primary officer and approved by the DPS Committee. These positions are non-voting on the DPS Committee. The term years listed below are considered to start and end on the DPS meeting of that year. Please refer to the Bylaws for descriptions of eligibilty, terms of office, and responsibilties.  Officer responsibilities are also described here.

Current DPS Officers

Chair: Carol RaymondTerm:2023-2024contactVice-Chair:Athena CoustenisTerm:2023-2024contactPast Chair: Catherine NeishTerm:2023-2024contact
Secretary: Denise StephensTerm:2023-2026contactTreasurer: Joe SpitaleTerm:2023-2026contact
Education and Public Outreach Officer: Brian Jackson
Press Officer:Theodore KaretaTerm: 2022-2025contactFederal Relations Officer: Angela DapremontTerm:2022-2025contactHistorian: Tony RomanTerm:2023-contact
Webmaster:Maya YanezTerm: 2022-2025contactStudent Representative: Samuel MyersTerm:2022-2024Professional Culture & Climate Subcommittee Officer: James RobertsTerm:2022-

Officer Responsibilities | Past Officers