Postdoctoral Researcher in Planetary Mapping and Impact Studies

Posted on
Current state: Approved
City: Houston
State/Province: Texas
Country: USA
Contact Person: Dr. Paul Shenk
Institution: Lunar and Planetary Institute
Application Due Date: Thursday, August 01 2013
Web Link:

Universities Space Research Association (USRA) invites applications
for a postdoctoral fellowship in planetary science in Houston, Texas.

The candidate will work with Dr. Paul Schenk, investigating the impact
crater shapes and distributions on icy satellites, including Enceladus,
using the entire Cassini image library, and supplementary stereo and
shape-from-shading techniques (although experience in these tools is
not required). The candidate will also be expected to develop their
own research projects using this data.

Candidate must have a recent Ph.D. in geology or geophysics and have
a strong background in remote sensing/image processing of spacecraft
data, and preferably experience in geophysical or mapping
investigations. The position is generally for two years, with a
possible extension to three years. Apply to the posting at:

Include a letter of interest, a curriculum vita with a list of
publications, a brief statement of research interests, and a list
of three references. Review of candidates begins August 1, 2013,
with a hiring decision, as soon as possible thereafter.
Information on current research and facilities at the LPI is found
on our website: