Lecturer in Planetary Physics

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Current state: Approved
Department: Physics
City: London
State/Province: England
Country: United Kingdom
Contact Person: Michele Dougherty
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: University College London, South Kensington Campus
Application Due Date: Monday, July 22 2013
Web Link: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment

This is a three year, fixed term appointment at Lecturer Level, based in the Space and Atmospheric Physics Group in the Department of Physics. Following the recent award of the magnetometer Principal Investigator role on the JUICE mission to SPAT and our continued success within the Cassini magnetometer PI team within the group, the goal of this post is to consolidate the group?s expertise in Planetary Physics. The group?s high profile instrument building role in space and planetary missions over the last 50 years has been driven by the cutting edge science activities within the group. The recent focus on magnetic field observations at Saturn via Cassini has examined magnetospheric dynamics, the planetary internal magnetic field and the moon-magnetosphere interactions. This research links well into the goals of the JUICE mission to the Jupiter system. The successful candidate will be expected to support and lead high profile research in the areas of planetary magnetospheres, internal planetary fields and moon-plasma interactions as well as identify opportunities for future involvement in space and planetary missions through the ESA programme, bilateral missions and other opportunities. The candidate will have a 30% teaching load, to allow them the opportunity to focus on research and potential funding opportunities. The post is central to the SPAT group?s programme of planetary research and will strengthen and expand that within the Department of Physics. For further information visit