Faculty positions in the Department of Geophysical, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University.

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Current state: Approved
Department: Department of Geophysical, Atmospheric and Planetary Science
City: Tel-Aviv
Country: Israel
Contact Person: Prof. Colin Price, Head of Department
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Tel-Aviv University
Application Due Date: Tuesday, October 15 2013
Web Link: http://geophysics.tau.ac.il

The Department of Geophysical, Atmospheric and Planetary Science, Tel Aviv University, Israel, invites applications for 1-2 tenure-track faculty positions starting possibly in October 2014, or later.

We are looking for excellent candidates with proven research and teaching experience, to bring new areas of research and teaching to our growing department. We are looking for one new faculty member in Marine Sciences, with a focus on the Mediterranean Sea. This could cover marine geophysics, oceanography, exploration geophysics, air-sea interaction, geochemistry, or other related fields. The other position will provide additional support for already existing research areas in our department. These could include exploration seismology, climate variability or weather extremes, and planetary sciences. Priority will be given to researchers that supply synergies between existing groups.

Applicants should e-mail their application letter describing research, teaching and career interests, CV, and the names and contact information of 3 referees to Prof. Colin Price, Head of Department, at [email protected] by 15 October, 2013.