Post-Doc at the Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro: Atmospheric structure of extrasolar planets

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Current state: Approved and Notify DPS Secretary
Department: COAA
City: Rio de Janeiro
State/Province: RJ
Country: Brazil
Contact Person: Alvaro Alvarez-Candal
Contact Email: [email protected]
Institution: Observatório Nacional - MCTI
Application Due Date: Sunday, February 01 2015

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Planetary Sciences group at the Observatório Nacional (ON) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ( Successful applicants will work on the joint project, funded under the Science without Borders program, between the ON and the University of Arizona (UA, USA) “The Atmospheric Structure of Extrasolar Planets” co-lead by Dr. Alvaro Alvarez-Candal (ON) and Prof. Caitlin Griffith (UA). The project centers on novel techniques to observe and study extrasolar atmospheres via spectroscopic observations and radiative transfer analyses. Candidates with knowledge of spectroscopy and observational astronomy, as well planetary atmospheres, are especially, although not exclusively, encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be expected to participate on project-related work, although individual/independent research is not discouraged.

The successful applicant will develop his or her research at ON, which is located in the north part of the city of Rio de Janeiro. As one of the leading astronomical institutions in Brazil, ON’s research groups range from planetary sciences to cosmology and engage in many international projects, such as SDSS 4 or J-PAS. It has a welcoming environment where students, post-docs, and researchers interact.

Applicants should send a short CV, publication record, and short description of research interests to [email protected] as well as two reference letters to the same e-mail address. Full consideration will be given to applications sent by February 1st. 2015. The position is available immediately for one year with a possible renewal, subjected to performance review.

For more information please contact Dr. Alvaro Alvarez-Candal ([email protected]) and/or Prof. Caitlin Griffith ([email protected])