Call for DPS 2021 Prize Nominations

Deadline: April 15, 2021
Every year the DPS recognizes exceptional achievement in our field. Please consider nominating a respected colleague for one of the annual DPS prizes. 
The DPS sponsors five prizes:
The Gerard P. Kuiper Prize [prizes/kuiper] recognizes and honors outstanding contributors to the field of planetary science.

The Claudia J. Alexander Prize [prizes/alexander] recognizes excellence and achievements by a mid-career scientist. 

The Harold C. Urey Prize [prizes/urey] recognizes and encourages outstanding achievements in planetary research by an early-career scientist.

The Harold Masursky Award [prizes/masursky] recognizes and honors individuals who have rendered outstanding service to planetary science and exploration through – but not limited to – engineering, managerial, programmatic, editorial, or public service activities.

The Carl Sagan Medal [prizes/sagan] recognizes and honors outstanding communication by an active planetary scientist to the general public.

The Jonathan Eberhart Planetary Sciences Journalism Award [prizes/eberhart] recognizes and stimulates distinguished popular writing on planetary sciences.
DPS members and the planetary science community-at-large are encouraged to submit nominations for DPS prizes.
A complete nomination submitted by the deadline will be considered by the DPS Prize subcommittee for 3 years (i.e. for this year’s award, next year’s award, and the year after that), or for the duration of a candidate’s eligibility, whichever is less. Please fill out the nomination form [prizes/eberhart#Nomination], and it will be submitted to the prize subcommittee. The Eberhart Award has different rules and procedures than the other DPS Prizes, please see its page [prizes/eberhart-nomination-form] for more information. 
Scroll to the bottom of prizes for rules and procedures.
Questions: Email [email protected]


Note: Deadline was extended from 1 April to 15 April