Message from the Chair: #DPS2020 Science Program + Peripheral Events Posted

The SOC and VOC have been hard at work finalizing plans for #DPS2020!

Please visit to check out the detailed science program and listing of peripheral events.  (If any program corrections are needed please contact [email protected] and provide details; please include the abstract number and the author name).

Also, don’t forget the upcoming deadlines:

1. Register for the meeting!  October 5 is the deadline for presenters to register.  Pre-recorded talks and iPosters will be available for viewing beginning October 19, so register before then to have access to content plus science discussions on Slack channels. Non-presenting attendees can register as late as October 30. Meeting registrants will receive a special “DPS 2020” sticker!

2. October 5 is the deadline for presenters to let us know whether you plan to participate in your session’s Live Q&A discussion, which will take place on Zoom according to the block schedule [].  We need confirmations from all live participants so that session chairs will be able to prepare effectively for these Q&A sessions.  The link to the response form is in your confirmation email.

3. October 9 is the deadline for oral presenters: Upload your pre-recorded talk to the DPS video server.

4. October 9 is the deadline for iPoster presenters: Publish your iPoster. iPoster presenters may continue to revise iPosters until 19 October when all iPosters will go public. You may continue to revise your iPoster until 30 October, but do understand that they will have already been viewed.

We look forward to seeing you at #DPS2020!