As we here at the DPS gear up for this Fall’s joint meeting in Pasadena, we’d like to extend a special invitation to students to attend and participate in the conference. I think that DPS is the most student-friendly annual planetary meeting. We have a high proportion of abstracts that get oral talks, and a special category of dissertation talk to ensure that every student gets exposure prior to hitting the postdoc market. We also hold special events specially targeted to students, starting with the Student & Postdoc Reception on Sunday night at 5:00PM before the official Opening Reception. The Student Reception is your opportunity to relax with your peers, and to make the friendships and start the collaborations that will continue for your entire career. And all of this without the pressure of needing to present yourself to potential future employers.
On Tuesday morning we hold the Student Breakfast. This one should be a no-brainer — a free hot breakfast for all early-career planetary scientists (students and postdocs). All of the DPS Committee Leadership will attend the breakfast for the explicit purpose of hearing student concerns so that the society can respond to the needs of its most junior members. Note that we no longer require registration for the Student Breakfast: just show up at 7:30AM on Tuesday morning because it will be worth getting up early for.
And finally on Wednesday evening we hold the annual Banquet, your chance to hob-nob with the field’s senior scientists over a social dinner. To encourage student attendance at the Banquet this year the DPS Committee voted to offer a special student rate of just $55 (instead of the standard $80). That discount puts the price of the banquet enough under Pasadena’s per diem ($64) for students to attend the banquet and still eat the rest of the day. No more excuses about not being able to afford the Banquet, then! We hope that this financial encouragement and the excitement of our second annual Open Mic night to follow will serve to reinvigorate junior member attendance at the Banquet.
Along with Local Organizing Committee Chair Diana Blaney and the AAS Meetings staff I just returned from a site visit to the Pasadena Convention Center this past Monday. The team has a great meeting planned, and we hope to see all of you students there in Pasadena,
Jason W. Barnes
DPS Chair