DPS Membership


About DPS Membership

Membership in the Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) totals approximately 1400 planetary scientists and astronomers, including members residing outside the U.S.

You may either join the DPS as an American Astronomical Society (AAS) member or as an affiliate member through membership in a professional society recognized by the DPS.  AAS membership tiers are described here.

By joining DPS, you will begin to immediately enjoy membership benefits such as:

  • networking and information-sharing forums
  • reduced DPS meeting registration rates
  • listing in the AAS online and printed directories
  • service opportunities
  • advancement of common interests through collaborative actions and the recognition of special achievements and contributions

DPS members are also eligible to subscribe to printed and/or electronic editions of Icarus at a substantial savings and (if also a AAS member) a publication fee discount in the open-access Planetary Science Journal.  Refer to DPS Publications for further details.

We encourage you to act now to support our activities and take advantage of membership benefits and opportunities today!


Membership Directory

Please use the AAS’s On-Line Membership Directory for member contact information.


Updating Existing Member Data

To update your membership data, either visit the AAS Members-Only Site and use the Change of Address Form, or email changes to [email protected].


Membership Renewals

Initial renewal announcements for the upcoming membership year are emailed during September. To renew, visit the AAS Members-Only Site.

If your membership lapses and your renewal is processed after 31 August, a total of two years’ dues is required to cover the current and upcoming membership years. This practice encourages continuity and deters late reinstatements to qualify for reduced DPS meeting registration rates.


Joining the DPS: AAS Members

Membership in the Division for Planetary Sciences (DPS) is open to all active members of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).

If you are an active AAS member, the DPS dues is $25 for Full, International Affiliate, Educator Affiliate, Alumni Affiliate, and Amateur Affiliate Members, $0 for Graduate Student and Undergraduate Student Members and Emeritus Members.  The classes and benefits of AAS membership are described here.

To join and pay by credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express), simply fax your request and the following card data: card number; name of card holder as it appears on card; expiration date; authorized charge amount. Please direct your transmittal to the attention of AAS Membership Services at (202) 588-1351, remembering to include a daytime telephone number for contact purposes.

To join and pay by check or money order, you may mail your request and payment drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. currency to:

American Astronomical Society
1667 K Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20006

Checks or money orders should be payable to the American Astronomical Society.

You should allow a minimum of 5 business days for your request and payment to be processed and your DPS membership established.

If you wish to join the DPS and the AAS at the same time, download the AAS Membership Form; provide all required information; indicate your intent to join the DPS (section 8); and return your completed form and payment to the AAS.

You should allow a minimum of 5 business days for your request and payment to be processed and your AAS and DPS memberships established.

Further information regarding the AAS and AAS membership benefits is available at AAS and AAS Membership respectively. Questions regarding joining the DPS as an AAS member should be directed to the AAS Membership Department.


Joining the DPS: Non-AAS Members (Affiliates)

Individuals who are not members of the American Astronomical Society are eligible to join the DPS as an affiliate member if they belong to one of the following professional societies recognized by the DPS:

If you are an active member of one of the above societies, complete the application for affiliate membership (see below).

If you are not an active member of one of the above societies, you may nevertheless apply for affiliate DPS membership by requesting the DPS Committee to consider membership in a non-recognized society instead (see instruction 2 below). Please note, however, such waivers are usually reserved for applicants residing outside North America.

Please contact the DPS Committee if you would like to propose an additional professional society for affiliation.


Affiliate DPS Member Dues

DPS dues are not prorated. For students applying to be affiliate members of DPS, dues will be waived.

Dues for applications processed by the AAS prior to 31 August is $32 and covers membership for the current membership year.

Dues for applications processed by the AAS after 31 August is $64 and covers the current and upcoming membership years. This practice eliminates the need for issuing October renewal notices to members joining late in the year.


Instructions for Affiliate Application Form

  1. Open the Affiliate DPS Membership Application.
  2. Fill in required fields.
  3. Choose your Society Affiliation from the list above. If you are not an active member of a related professional organization, enter notation “No Active Affiliation” in lieu of a Society name.
  4. Enter the appropriate dues amount. You may pay either by credit card or by check sent to the AAS Membership Department, made payable to the American Astronomical Society.

You should allow a minimum of 5 business days for your application and payment to be processed and your affiliate DPS membership established.

Questions regarding joining the DPS as an affiliate member should be directed to the AAS Membership Department.


This page was last updated 28 Feb 2020.